Stress, anxiety, and depression will be a major epidemic by 2025. ~ American Medical Association.
Sounds scary, doesn’t it? It’s enough to make you stressed out, anxious and depressed. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
From the AMA and Big Pharma’s point of view that means big profits, and keeping people dumbed down on drugs that have terrible side effects and diminishes their health, happiness and well-being. Anti-depressants may alleviate hopelessness but they also create feelings of helplessness, and are known to increase suicidal tendencies and behavior. Yet it’s all approved by the FDA as “science”. That’s the best they can do because they don’t really care about your health or well-being.
We are in the Age of awakening! So that statement by the AMA does not take into account the overwhelming scientific research on the benefits of meditation. By 2025 meditation will be so far beyond critical mass that it will be a way of life.
So What is the SAD Solution? SAD is an acronym for stress, anxiety, depression. They are the three pillars or killers that rob you of your energy and happiness.
The SAD Solution is a natural, powerful and effective way to overcome stress, anxiety and depression through guided meditation. All you have to do is find a quiet space, put on your earphones, close you eyes and follow the prompts. Meditation is a self-care practice that brings you deeply into your soul to rejuvenate your body and mind.
When practiced consistently, meditation has been proven to change your brain and your outlook on life. Meditation relaxes your body, quiets your mind, and calms your nervous system. The Benefits of meditation are impressive. You will effortlessly glide into a deep relaxation and move into a place of profound peace within your subconscious mind. Once you arrive in this state of peace, your body automatically triggers your natural God-given healing mechanism that is hardwired in your soul.
This healing mechanism will restore peace and harmony to your endocrine gland system and restore balance to your hormonal function. Meditation also releases stress, anxiety and depression and this allows you to be happy, self-confident and motivated.
We offer guided meditations for Deep Relaxation, Thyroid Healing, Hormonal Balance, and Deep Sleep, all of which are highly effective for overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. They will also help you to rest, re-energize, and improve the quality of your life and happiness. (Available for Purchase Here)
We will share with you natural science based information on herbs and superfoods that boost your energy, improve your mind and promote wellness.
Checkout our blog posts and guest articles by experts in the field of Women’s Health.
The SAD Solution guided meditation is coming soon. It will provide an easy and inexpensive way to regain your inner strength, and take back your power. It can promote a greater joy in living your life and being your best!
Here’s to your health and happiness.
Everyone wants to be a success in life, but it definitely comes with a price. It seems the more you strive to reach your goals, the more stress, anxiety, and depression — SAD — you encounter.
SAD saps your efforts, dulls productivity and it is the root cause of so many health problems and so much unhappiness.
Why? Because SAD is rooted in fear. Whether it be a fear of failure or fear of success, fear of lack, rejection, being bullied or not being enough, fear eats away away at self-esteem causing an internal conflict and a belief that life is a struggle. Struggle implies you are working against yourself and that inevitably disconnects you from yourself. Struggle blinds you to the inner resources that keep you true to yourself and makes you look for success, love and happiness outside of yourself and in all the wrong places.
There is a powerful remedy for SAD: Meditation. Meditation is the solution to handling stress, anxiety, and depression, and it helps you to master deep relaxation. This is not another technique you have to learn. This is guided meditation. Meditation helps bring you back to your fearless self by reconnecting you to your core power which enables you to be successful, thrive and enjoy the journey.
Let’s look at the elements of meditation that produce relaxation and will help you to overcome stress, anxiety, and depression by getting you back in touch with your innate power.
Yes Breath! Have you ever noticed when you’re stressed out or uptight, you’ll hold your breath or in some cases stop breathing?
Breath fuels life. When you breathe in, your breath carries the life renewing oxygen that enlivens and energizes your cells. As you breathe out, your breath releases the pent-up pressure and accumulated stress stored in the cells and relaxes your entire body.
For the purposes of mastering deep relaxation, the longer your exhalation, the deeper your relaxation. The deeper your relaxation, the more you will release stress. The more you release tension and stress, the more you will regain inner peace. When you are at peace with yourself, you will flow with the natural rhythms of life. And that means you are reconnected to yourself and your power.
OPENING YOUR HEART (What’s Love Got To Do With It? )
Love has no fear!
When you Consciously connect from your heart, you’ll begin to experience being in the moment. As you inhale fully and exhale completely, you’ll begin to open your heart to embrace the love that you’ve been given and the love that you have to give.
Love is the essence of who you are. As your breath and your love intertwine, they creating an energetic shift that allows you to surrender your ego. Surrender is not giving up. Rather it is letting go of your analytical mind so that you can relax and embrace life from love. In other words, you are shifting your awareness from thinking into being. It takes courage to lead from your heart.
This practice is used by the masters to relax deeply and move into a place of self mastery and wholeness. Love is wholeness and has a magnetic resonance that will raise your vibration dramatically to evolve your soul and enliven you spiritually.
As you breathe in, you are sending life force into your cells. As you slowly exhale, you will release the built up lactic acid stored in your muscles and melt the tension and stress away. You’ll begin to relax as your muscles loosen and your body sinks slowly into the chair dissolving any and all stress.
Breathing in, you’ll continue to use the revitalizing power of you breath to calm down your nervous system. As you breathe out, you’re nerves will unwind, let go and release all the pressure and tension. You’ll decompress as your nerves relax, dropping the resistance and dissolving the stress away.
Breath has a profound effect on your mind. As you breathe into your brain, it will soften and turn down the mental chatter. As you exhale, your mind settles down becoming clear and focused and you’ll experience what is called mindfulness.
At this point your body is relaxed. Your nerves are calm and your mind becomes still, clear and peaceful. A sense of calm comes over you as you go deeper and deeper into relaxation.
You’re mind begins receding from the outer world. You’ll start to detach from all problems, letting go of all worries and doubts, and tuning out the tapes in your head.
You’ll begin drifting away as you enter into that quiet solitude within where you feel relaxed, in harmony and at peace with yourself. You are drifting to the shores of your subconscious mind and approaching the gateway to inner peace. Moving into the realm of personal power fully integrated in your body, mind, and spirit, you are now ready to tap the rejuvenating powers of deep relaxation
Meditation brings you directly into the depths of your subconscious mind which is the master control center for improving your life. The subconscious is your inner genie and holds the blueprint for mastering deep relaxation and being successful. It also contains the internal code for programming your beliefs for success without the stress. Whatever your mind can conceive, it can achieve so long as you believe. The power of your mind is extraordinary.
You have now accessed the power of your creative mind, which is the seat of all inspiration and unlimited possibilities. Drawing from that power, you can now embrace your internal genie knowing that you are the master of your life and circumstances. As you immerse yourself in the feeling that you are fearless and free, whatever decisions you make, they will be will made with clarity and conviction and be the right ones for you!
Now project a positive self image on the screen of your imagination. See yourself as confident, enthusiastic, self-reliant, persistent, and resilient. Know that your desires fuel your passion and desire infused with passion sets into motion the Universal Law of Attraction.
As you continually focus on your self image, you will see that your beliefs, habits and actions conform precisely to your self-image. As you sow in your subconscious mind so shall you reap in your outer world and circumstances. That’s how it works.
Remain persistent, independent and decisive in all your actions. You’ll feel your confidence and self-reliance surging up in your soul and moving into your body as you reclaim the courage of your conviction and trust yourself.
Keep a positive attitude at all times and determine to bring forth your best. Intend to give your very best always. And in return you shall reap positive and beneficial results in your body, in your mind and in your life experiences.
Inhale another a full breath up into the frontal lobe of your brain. This activates the Joy Center. Exhale completely, and let your joy freely circulate throughout your being. You’ll feel good in your body, your mind and in your emotions.
Joy infuses your heart with gratitude, and gratitude sets your spirit free. Send a smile of loving approval down to your heart to light up your life and lovingly accept yourself. It’s what you want most of all, to accept yourself.
The goal of meditation is to restore inner peace which give you greater clarity and control over your life. The extraordinary benefit of guided meditation is an experience of contentment, self-acceptance, and self-reliance. Mastering deep relaxation is a powerful way to regain the exhilarating joy of living fully with less stress and more success.
When you think about meditation, you probably picture yourself sitting uncomfortably on the floor for hours. This is not an appealing or even a feasible option for most of us living busy lives. You don’t need a rigorous, time-consuming practice to feel the many proven and life-changing benefits of meditation. And you don’t need costly or extensive training in meditation techniques. Guided meditation provides all the benefits of meditation so you begin can simply relax anywhere you are comfortable — in bed, on a sofa, in a chair, on a beach, even in a hammock — and just listen.
Let’s take a look at 10 ways guided meditations will help you move through stress, anxiety, and depression and feel your best everyday.
Stress Reduction: Guided meditation brings your body, mind and spirit into an alignment which significantly reduces stress. It calms your nervous system, quiets your mind chatter, and relaxes your muscles. Guided Meditation melts away emotional stress on all levels and reduces cellular oxidation which is a major cause of disease.
Positive Mood: Guided meditation decreases feelings of anxiety, anger, depression, confusion, and unworthiness. Actually guided meditation promotes positive emotions including confidence, happiness, enthusiasm, self-acceptance and mindfulness. It helps balance your neurotransmitters, bringing you greater calm while enhancing intimacy, passion and motivation.
Immune Health: Guided meditation stimulates your thymus gland. This gland regulates your body’s immune defense system by boosting white cells to fight off disease and infection in order to sustain optimal health.
Healing: Guided meditation triggers your body’s natural ability to heal itself. It promotes a deep inner peace and self-esteem so you will feel both physically and emotionally energized and strong.
Hormonal Balance: Guided meditation has a powerful effect on your entire endocrine gland system, regulating hormonal balance within your adrenal, thyroid and sex glands.
Aging Backward: Guided meditation promotes the reproduction of new cells and helps repair and revive damaged telomeres, thereby turning back the clock on aging.
Heart Health: Guided meditation has physical and emotional benefits to your heart. It improves your heart health, and can significantly decrease your risk of heart attack by as much as half. Emotionally it promotes an open heartedness and cultivates compassion and acceptance thereby promoting greater happiness.
Less Inflammation: Guided meditation oxygenates your cells, decreasing inflammation in your body which is a precursor to many diseases including cancer and arthritis. Diseases cannot flourish or spread when cells are properly oxygenated. A healthy body thrives when the acid /alkaline balance is sustained at a ratio of 20% acid/80% alkaline. Oxygen is essential to lift you out of lethargy and depression.
Better Restorative Sleep: Guided meditation improves the quality of your sleep, giving your body the significant time it needs to restore and re-energize itself. With quality sleep comes clarity of mind and focused motivation.
Wholeness: Guided meditation opens your heart, allowing you to live in the moment with courage and conviction. It empowers you to take control of your well-being, while embracing life with a clear sense of purpose. Meditation is the path to wholeness and enables you to be your very best.
When you are experiencing depression, it is always important to first talk with your health care practitioner to rule out strictly physical causes. Autoimmune diseases, thyroid problems, menopause, hormone imbalances, and many other conditions — as well as some prescription medications – can cause depression as a side effect. Your health care practitioner can also determine if what you are experiencing is “dysthymia” — which is more of a temporary depressed mood — versus a more significant clinical depression that would warrant further investigation.
But if you are feeling slightly down, here are some basic self-care tips that may help you get back on track.
There are times in life when you are walking uphill, lugging the unresolved baggage of your past. It’s hard to see clearly what is behind you and what issues you are carry inside, not to mention how to resolve them. Although you may feel the profound emptiness of not forgiving yourself, you still just can’t let go.
Until you stop, drop that bag, open it up, and face the pain and struggle that is part of your journey, you will continue to repeat the negative patterns that feed the hurt and anger inside, and that disconnect you from yourself and others.